Monday, July 11, 2016


Day 7
Today was a work day, full of science and adventure, of the mental kind of course. Umm we set off at 7:30 to enjoy a delicious breakfast of omelets with beans and rice. From there we set off and enjoyed a day of summer, filling our minds with the knowledge we so desperately crave. At three o’clock we had a break of local made cookies and coffee. Pablo called it “rock and roll cafĂ©”. We listened to rock music as we sipped our coffee. Later at six o’clock we had dinner, a delicious bounty of tacos with chicken, steak, and an arrangement of greens. After we filled our stomachs, it was time for certain individuals to present their projects! Teeing off was S Muneyyy with his presentation about Meningitus. Next we had “the best” presentation, Carter Linhardt’s on coral! Young man AO was next, swooping in with the information about new sources of Bioluminescence! The men cried and the ladies swooned. The duo of Carter and Jonny rivaled that of Batman and Robin, Jordan and Pippen, Pablo and Picasso. Following that masterpiece was Boraan “the brains” Abdulkareem on antibiotics! She enlightened us with fancy graphs and new procedures. Pairing after her was Kowsar with a delicious presentation on cholera! YUM! We were spewing with excitement! After some hard hitting questions from Nathan, the turtle guy who also looks like the teenage Hercules in the animated movie, Hercules, Mahdi and Jacob thrilled us with their presentation on Penisillen resistant bacteria and potential solutions! Lastly, Pranav rocked our high socks off with his impromptu presentation on Phages! Like actually, too strong. How’s he gonna do that to the people who present after him tomorrow? Mahdi asked him a question afterwards. Pranav hesitates for a second like he doesn’t know, then pulls three more slides out with graphs and diagrams out to answer. Like dayum dude. Anyways, the presentation left us all excited to watch the rest of the presentation tomorrow morning!
Dictated but not read
-Tha Carter III

Written by Young Man AO

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